Friday, March 13, 2009

Cheer Stunts

Stunts are defined as building performances displaying a person's flexibility. Stunting has been referred to as building pyramids. Stunts range from two-legged stunts to one-legged extended stunts and high flying basket tosses. There are numerous variations of a basic stunts. A stunt group usually involves up to four bases holding or tossing another cheerleader in the air. In general, all-girl cheer leading stunts usually involve up to four other bases while co-ed ("partner") stunts are comprised of only one base (usually male) and his partner (the flyer, usually female). Pyramids are multiple groups of stunts connected aerially by the flyers. This connection may be made in a variety of ways, from a simple linking of hands to having a multi-level pyramid, with the flyers already in the air acting as primary bases for another flyer or flyers on top of them.

cited from wikipedia

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